“Hello Anna,
As promised, I am emailing you to let you and Dr. Swartz know that I have successfully PASSED USMLE Step 2 CS on my first attempt. I just received the score report, and I am thrilled at the outcome.
I could not have done that without your guidance. Both you and Dr. Swartz were a tremendous help and inspiration. I am so thankful to have taken C3NY and have learned from such excellent mentors. I can confidently say that both you and Dr. Swartz were the reason for me passing Step 2 CS, especially on my first attempt. You made a positive impact in my medical career and although we only spent 3 days together, you and Dr. Swartz inspired me to keep pushing forward and never give up on my dream of becoming a physician. C3NY is the definition of putting patients first!
Thank you once again!
Warm regards,”
“Dear Dr. Swartz,
Hope you are doing fine. I took your course in mid-September, and I have successfully passed Step 2 CS on September 28 in Houston. The result has just arrived today, and I am thrilled. I want to thank you very much for the great course and for all your help.
“Good afternoon Dr Swartz,
I’ve got some terrific news for you!! I just got my CS result and I passed!!!! I’m ecstatic!! I don’t have words to describe the gratitude I feel towards you and the entire C3NY team!
When I came out of the exam centre I knew I had bombed it. But it all turned out extremely well in the end. Looking back I had made quite a few mistakes but I always remembered what you had taught us at the workshop.. proper introduction, be polite, take a good focused history and most importantly for me – don’t come out early!!! Anna’s ‘coffee shop’ technique worked wonders for me as well.
Once again, I don’t have words to describe how indebted I am to you. You are a Godsend Dr Swartz!!
God bless you and thank you so much once again.
I will stay in touch and will keep you informed regarding the whole match season and Residency process.
“Dear C3NY Team,
I am Rishanthi Sivakumaran, and I was part of the group in April of 2012; I did my CS exam on May 10, and I am happy to say that passed!
I am very grateful for the C3NY team and especially Dr. Swartz for the wonderful prep course and for boosting my confidence! I loved the constructive criticism because that helped me to concentrate more on the areas I needed to brush up on!
Thank you C3NY!!”
“Hi Dr. Swartz,
I just want to take this opportunity to thank you and Anna for an amazing C3NY course I took back in January, 2014. I’m happy to tell you both that I learned today that I passed Step 2CS!
Best wishes,
“Hello Dr. Swartz and Anna!
I have great news!! I received my CS score report today and I PASSED!!!
The feeling is incredible and now I am so relieved…
I’m quite happy with my score report as well; it actually indicates I did better in all three areas (ICE, CIS, SEP) than what I had expected.
Thank you so much for all your help… it definitely would have not been possible without C3NY!
I have attached the PDF score report to this email.
Thanks again,”
“Dear Dr. Swartz and Anna,
Before the course, I had read through some of the standards texts for the Step 2CS exam, which made the exam seem unbelievably easy (like a simple “motor reflex”). On the first day of the workshop, well my anxiety levels skyrocketed, when Dr. Swartz and Anna introduced the exam with a very different approach (the “out-of-the-box approach”). I had almost 3 weeks before the exam, and I was not sure how I would transform the approach that I had become accustomed, to an approach that would definitely give me many problems gathering all the relevant points within a short period of time. But Dr. Swartz told me that it was achievable. Boy, he was right on the dot!
I was soon to discover that Dr. Swartz’s technique although difficult to conceive, but was a full proof technique to achieve a PASS result. Not only did he help me PASS the exam, his technique helped me PASS with flying colours. Also, he has significantly impacted my future approach as a clinician.
The three days of his workshop, although “ego deflating” were more importantly “life altering” and “eye-opening”. In retrospect, it would have been very difficult for me to have achieved a PASS without C3NY.
Thank you, Dr. Swartz and Anna!”
Hunaid Hasan, MD, Canada, Video Testimonial
“Dear Dr. Swartz and Anna,
I am very excited to share the news that I passed the Step 2 CS exam. I am truly grateful for all the support you have given me during the preparation in January 2016 at C3NY. I thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to learn under your guidance and benefit from your vast knowledge and expertise. I was eagerly waiting all these days to make you proud.
I took the exam on February 12th, 2016, and it was nerve racking to wait for the result as each day passed by. If there is one thing I could to change for this exam, it is the length of time that we have to wait for the news.
There it is, at last! I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your help and C3NY will always be a memorable experience in my journey!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Best Regards,
“Dear Dr. Swartz and Ms. Lank,
I took your workshop in October 2015 and recently found out that I passed Step 2 CS. I wanted to thank you for being a part of my preparation for the exam. The workshop helped me tremendously in my timing and in communicating with the SPs. I followed your advice and kept calm on the real test day.
If anyone asks for tips on how to prepare for CS, I will definitely refer them to the C3NY workshop.
Thanks for everything!
“Hi Dr. Swartz,
I hope you remember me from your course back in December of 2007.
I’m writing you now to tell you that I passed the Step 2 CS exam. I really found out back in February…the reason I waited so long to write this e-mail though is a credit again to you. Not only did your course give me the confidence to pass the exam, I was subsequently able to enter the match. I was just placed today at Schneider Children’s Hospital for residency in pediatrics…my top choice.
I wanted to thank you for all your help and the confidence you instilled. You do a wonderful “chesed” (kindness) for people.
“Dear Dr. Swartz,
Hi, I passed thanks for the course and tips….I followed your advice. I actually almost had a panic attack on the first station…and the breathing got me through it was more relaxed after station 1…I almost passed out on station 1 honestly…given my practice station in your course was a disaster the rest of the exam went really well however. Your tips helped thanks.
Thanks for a great course …lots of great tips you can’t find in text books…I noticed most people said that when they left the workshop including me!”
“Dear Anna & Dr. Swartz:
I took the Step 2 CS workshop in December 2011 (I was one of the members of the group from Poznan, Poland). I took my Step 2CS exam in the beginning of May 2012, and I have just received my score today. I am delighted to inform you and Dr. Swartz that I have passed!
Thank you very much for all the tips and tricks on how to approach Step 2CS, not to mention the great time I had in that workshop. Please also thank all the SPs for me.
I would definitely recommend C3NY to my friends.”