Burkina Faso

Hi Dr. Swartz and Anna,
I just learned that I passed the exam. I just studied for 3 days before the exam. I read all my notes from the course and watched your physical exam video from your book which I bought while I was with you. The notes from the workshop were more than enough. I did everything you told us.
For those people coming to the course, I personally believe that C3NY workshops are a good tool for preparation for this exam. We just need to stay focus on what the SP will tell us as the next question to ask will come from his answer.
You did so much for me. I am sure of something, if it weren’t for you Dr. Swartz, I could not overcome this exam. But with your preparation and help, the exam was more clear and easier to deal with.
Once again thank you to your team. You were completely right in what you taught us. I wish you success for your great course.
Best regards,
Zoumanan Debe, M.D., Burkina Faso

Matthew Callahan

freelance writer of policy, politics, religion, and tech. web designer, social media manager, a/v installer, computer question-answerer.